Humans as we are, if we have already aimed so many degrees in the field of academics or have so many experiences in life, our natural tendency is to boast it to others so that they will know us and will become the center of attraction. If we have already these titles written after our names, we consider ourselves as “somebody”, as if, we are already different from the others, we always wanted to be treated very well, and worse, if we will make it as something that will make other people afraid of us. There are really people who are like that, as if they can control everything since they have so many titles after their names. Some are really good but there are also some that who are just hiding under their titles, pretending that they are really good, the best, intellectual, but actually they are not. They are just using their titles to play other’s fate, to be known, and to protect themselves. One of the best example of this kind of scenario is that of one of the scenes in the movie entitled Good Will Hunting. It is when Chuckie, Will’s friend, had some conversation with the girls with the intention of impressing them. Then suddenly there is this college guy who interrupted the conversation and mocked Chuckie in the front of the girls. Hearing his friend being mocked by the said guy, Will immediately entered the scene, saving Chuckie from his embarrassment. Their conversation goes this way:

                         To tell you the truth, I wasn't there

                         much. The class was rather elementary.


                         Elementary? Oh, I don't doubt that

                         it was. I remember the class, it was

                         just between recess and lunch.

               Will and Billy come forward, stand behind Chuckie.


                         All right, are we gonna have a



                         There's no problem. I was just hoping

                         you could give me some insight into

                         the evolution of the market economy

                         in the early colonies. My contention

                         is that prior to the Revolutionary

                         War the economic modalities especially

                         of the southern colonies could most

                         aptly be characterized as agrarian

                         precapitalist and...

               Will, who at this point has migrated to Chuckie's side and

               is completely fed-up, includes himself in the conversation.


                         Of course that's your contention.

                         You're a first year grad student.

                         You just finished some Marxian

                         historian, Pete Garrison prob'ly,

                         and so naturally that's what you

                         believe until next month when you

                         get to James Lemon and get convinced

                         that Virginia and Pennsylvania were

                         strongly entrepreneurial and

                         capitalist back in 1740. That'll

                         last until sometime in your second

                         year, then you'll be in here

                         regurgitating Gordon Wood about the

                         Pre-revolutionary utopia and the

                         capital-forming effects of military



                              (taken aback)

                         Well, as a matter of fact, I won't,

                         because Wood drastically

                         underestimates the impact of--


                         "Wood drastically underestimates the

                         impact of social distinctions

                         predicated upon wealth, especially

                         inherited wealth..." You got that

                         from "Work in Essex County," Page

                         421, right? Do you have any thoughts

                         of your own on the subject or were

                         you just gonna plagiarize the whole

                         book for me?

               Clark is stunned.


                         Look, don't try to pass yourself off

                         as some kind of an intellect at the

                         expense of my friend just to impress

                         these girls.

               Clark is lost now, searching for a graceful exit, any exit.


                         The sad thing is, in about 50 years

                         you might start doin' some thinkin'

                         on your own and by then you'll realize

                         there are only two certainties in



                         Yeah? What're those?


                         One, don't do that.  Two -- you

                         dropped a hundred and fifty grand on

                         an education you coulda' picked up

                         for a dollar fifty in late charges

                         at the Public Library.

               Will catches Skylar's eye.


                         But I will have a degree, and you'll

                         be serving my kids fries at a drive

                         through on our way to a skiing trip.



                         Maybe. But at least I won't be a



                         And if you got a problem with that,

                         I guess we can step outside and deal

                         with it that way.

               While Will is substantially smaller than Clark, he [Clark]

               decides not to take Will up on his [Will's] offer.


                         If you change your mind, I'll be

                         over by the bar.

               He turns and walks away. Chuckie follows, throwing Clark a


               Morgan turns to a nearby girl.


                         My boy's wicked smart.
Their conversation is a good example of Socratic Method. It is a method wherein the questioner keeps on asking questions to the interlocutor until such time that the interlocutor find it difficult to answer anymore or will realize that he is wrong or he lacks more ideas. This kind of method is good in terms of learning because it really exhaust men to think and explore so many things just to arrive for what is truth. The good lesson that we could get from this method is that, we should not boast for whatever we have in ourselves, we shouldn’t think that we are really the best, and we should not underestimate others.
“Sa 30 ka tuig nga pagupdanay namon sang akon bana asta siya mapatay nangin miserable kag budlay guid ang pangabuhi ko kag sang akon mga kabataan kay tama guid ka istrikto sang iya, tama mag disiplinana sa amon mga kabataan,kag maabtik ang kamot manakit. Ako gani may mga beses nga basta akig siya kag wala sa modo, ginatampa niya ako kag iban pa, pro indi man guid grabe nga pagsakit. Palangga niya ako kag malambing sa iya, mo lang na galing istrikto kag mapintas basta init ulo niya. May ara man gani nga mga tsismis nga may mga babaye ukon kirida siya. Masakit batyagon ang tanan nga ginpang-agyan ko upod sa iya. Wala guid ako nagpadaog sa akon kaluya kag kahuyang, nangin mabakod guid ako kag ‘pirmi ko ginapinsar kag ginabutang sa panghuna-huna ko nga dapat mangin mapinasensiyahon kag mapinatawaron guid ako.’ Wala guid ako gapaapekto sa mga nagakahanabo sa amon pamilya. ‘Ginapalapad kag ginamayo ko lang guid ang mga panan-awan kag panindugan sa kabuhi ko.’ Nangin positibo guid ko pirmi biskan tama na kabudlay kay indi ko gusto makit-an sang akon mga kabataan nga nagahibi kag naga-surrender ako. Amo ni subong, nagapasalamat guid ako kay biskan amo to ang napang-agyan namon, masadya kag naga-ugyunanay ang akon mga kabataan. Kit-an kag bal-an mo man to siguri sang diri ka nag-tinir sa amon sang pag pastoral niyo ligad tuig.Gatinguha man sila sa ila pagpangabuhi kag nagasharay lang kami kung ano may-ara ang isa kag isa.”

A mother has a very great role and part in order for the family to sustain its harmony, peace, strength, unity and serenity. She is considered as the light of the family. Her presence uplifts and strengthens the bond of the family. She shows and gives more care and love for the family. She has to be flexible enough in dealing with her husband and children. Like of Nay Amelia, she has been a good example as a mother for a family. Despite the hardships, struggles and pains she experienced in life, she brought an aura of a true Filipino mother who is patient, loving, caring, brave, hardworking and God-fearing. She believed in her perspective in life that patience is a virtue and be positive always in dealing life’s challenges.

In connection to Platonic view which speaks about the world of ideas, ideals, use of reasons and critical thinking in order to attain truth and perfection in life, Nay Amelia Danay was not being affected and being controlled by the sufferings she experienced and saw especially from the cruelty of his husband, in other word, she was not troubled by what she witnessed and saw in the world of senses or in reality. Her positive outlook or point of view in life which she always put in her mind or idea made her strong enough to face the trials in life. Focusing on the world of senses or reality that seeing her husband becoming cruel and brutal to her and to their children does not actually help to solve the problems. It is truly painful and hard but she has to be positive and courageous in seeing life. 
All of us humans have different views in life. We have different views in looking at things, situations, life in general and we have different priorities. It is because we are subjective in nature. Not all the time, our views are the same with that of others. There are really times that we are the same with theirs and there are also times that we are different with theirs. Our view in life is important. Aside from the difference in views, we also have different stories in life. In this paper of mine, I want to share what was shared to me by the one I interviewed in our requirements in the subjects Ancient Philosophy and Filipino Philosophy about the story of his life and his views in life.. He was just a simple man with a unique story and view in life.

I interviewed one of the common faces we seminarians would often see, but not all of us know him. He is Vicente Gonzales. We know him in his nickname “Itik.” We would often call him “Nung Itik” to show our respect to him. Nung Itik is presently working in the parish of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro Cathedral. He is a parish driver. He serves humbly and passionately the church through driving the priests at the Cathedral. He was born here in Iloilo. His father was an Ilonggo while his mother was a Tagala (from Laguna). In his early years, he lived in Laguna. During his fourth grade, his grandfather got him from his parents and brought him here in Iloilo. He had his first year and second year high school at the Iloilo National High School. He had his third year and fourth year at the Pius. He had his college at De Paul College taking “COMSEC”/ Computer Secretariat. While he was still a student, he sacrificed going to school every time there is a busy schedule in the parish. He did not finish his college.

He started working at the Cathedral at the age of ten as a sacristan because his grandfather was the sacristan major during those times. When his grandfather retired, he became the sacristan major. He was a sacristan major for almost eighteen years. During the time of Msgr. Escañan, he resigned as a sacristan major. After that, he became a driver at the Segovia Nissan for almost two years. After working as a driver at the Segovia, he worked at Saudi Arabia in a “Dairy Processing” for two years. After his contract at Saudi, he returned here in the Philippines and worked again in Cathedral as a driver because his family needs his presence. Presently, if we total the years of his work at the cathedral, it is near to thirty years.

Nung Itik’s Desires in Life

Nung Itik has a complete family. His wife works at DTI. They have two children, one male and one female. His elder son is now a father. That is to say that Nung Itik is now a grandfather. His son became a father at the age of seventeen. He is still studying at the present. His daughter is taking Hotel and Restaurant Management.

One of the desires of Nung Itik when he was still in his early age was to become a priest. He did not enter the seminary and pursue priesthood because he had it in his mind that it is hard to become a priest. He said that priests are intelligent because they give homilies in the mass. They must be fluent speakers. Because of his high expectations for priesthood, he did not tried to be one.

Aside from Nung Itik’s desire for the priesthood (in his early age), he has also desires for his family. First, he desired that his son will become a priest. His son didn’t want to become one. It did not materialize because his son now is a “padre de pamilya.” Second, he desired that his daughter can finish her studies. Third, he desired that his grandson will become a priest in someday. He wants his early desire for priesthood to materialize in his grandson. Fourth, he desires success for every member of his family (especially to his children and grandson). Lastly, as a driver and a father, he also desires to have a car (even the simple one) because he wants to have bonding with his family and bring them in other places. These desires mentioned by Nung Itik are just some of his dreams in life that if will come to reality, he will feel fulfillment.

Plato’s Theory of Form

Plato was a Classical Greek philosophermathematician, student of Socrates, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Along with his mentor, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle, Plato helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and Science. (Wikipedia)

Plato is known in his Theory of Form. For Plato, there are two worlds. These are the World of ideas and the World of senses. They are different worlds because in the World of Ideas, all perfections exist while in the World of Senses, matters and imperfections exist. The Form exists in the World of Ideas. In Plato’s philosophy, the soul came from the World of Ideas. It is imprisoned inside the body which is a matter. Matters exist in the world of senses. The soul cannot remember everything in the World of Ideas. What he can do is to try to “remember” what exist there (World of Ideas). While the soul is imprisoned inside the body, he “yearns” and “craves” to know whatever is in the world of forms, and to recall whatever  is in the World of Ideas.

Connection of Plato’s Philosophy in Nung Itik’s View

As what I have observed, Nung Itik’s view in life had some platonic flavor. In Nung Itik’s desires in life, we can apply Plato’s Theory of Form. Nung Itik’s desires in life that are not achieved or still in the process of achieving exist in the world of forms. They exist in the world of forms because they are just potential to happen and not actual. That is why, Nung Itik “craves” and “yearns” for it to happen/materialize. If it comes to reality, his desires are no longer in the world of ideas, but in the World of Senses. When it is in the World of Senses, one will no longer “yearn” for it. 
Good Will Hunting is a movie that presents a boy, named Will, who is very genius. He is able to answer mathematical problems easily and immediately by the time he looks up at the problem than the people who works for the problem and find solution for over years or more. It seems like that he is the genius person in the world and here comes Chuckie the old friend of professor Lambeau. He is a psychologist.

During their 4th session when Will open up about the girl, Skylar, whom he dated last week. Will elaborated to Chuckie what he thought about Skylar. That Skylar is beautiful, smart, fun and different from most girls Will have been with. Chuckie insisted to Will to call Skylar for another date. Will answered that if he will go another date Will may realize that Skylar is not that smart and that she’s fucking boring. Skylar is perfect for Will that time and he don’t want to ruin it. Chuckie answered in return that maybe Will is perfect right now for Skylar and that Will don’t want to ruin it.

In the above conversation, I could say that Chuckie uses a Socratic Method towards Will. A “Socratic method was actually intended to demonstrate one’s ignorance.” In that part of the movie, Will was unable to reply to the words of Chuckie “Maybe you’re perfect right now. Maybe you don’t want to ruin that.” Chuckie thrown back to Will the words which Will said to Chuckie. I could see that Will, after hearing that words, slowly changing his mood but Chuckie immediately broke it up with a conversation.

“The essence of the Socratic Method is to convince a person that whereas he thought he knew something, in fact he does not.” It’s true that Will does not know something, that he is just a kid, compared to Will. Will’s ideas and thought are all came from the books that he reads unlike Chuckie who offers, during their session, something based on his experiences. That is why, maybe, Socrated preferred to travel because only through experience that we are able to know and understand things in their own way.

Chuckie wanted to show to Will that the world is big and full of mystery yet the only guide to uncover this things is to follow our heart. It is true that Will has experienced love on Skylar but he is afraid of taking the risk. He wanted to remain in his safest place. But with the help of Chuckie and his friends he is able to go out from a safe place and took the risk of following his heart’s desire.

Socratic Method offers us the reality that human being does know everything. But the best part of knowing everything is not by reading books or getting ideas from others but by experiencing it by our own self. Because of the experiences that we become more mature and able to understand things differently from a person who never experienced it at all.
“I was just hoping you might give some insight into the evolution…of the market economy in the southern colonies. My contention is that prior to the Revolutionary War, the economic modalities…especially in the southern colonies… could most be aptly characterized as…agrarian precapitalist.”

“Let me tell you something. Of course that’s your contention. You are a first year-grad student. You just got finished reading some Marxian historian, Pete Garrison probably. You are gonna be convinced of that till next month when you get to James Lemon. Then you are gonna be talking about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania…were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740. That’s gonna last until next year. You’re gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood, talking about, you know, the prerevolutionary utopia and the capital-forming effects of military mobilization.”

“Well, as a matter of fact I won’t, because Wood drastically underestimates the impacts of…”

“Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions…predicated upon wealth…especially inherited wealth. You got that from Vickers’ Work in Essex County. Page 98, right? I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us? Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter? Or is that your thing? You come into a bar. You read some obscure passage. Then pretend-pawn it off as your own. As your own idea just to impress some girls? Embarrass my friend?”

This is a conversation between Will and the man in the bar. Will interrupted in the confrontation between his friend and the man. He got irritated because the man acted like a genius or smart person. The man was in surprised and quiet shy because Will was able to know and explain everything. Will underestimated the man because he knew that the man was just pretending that he knew everything but actually does not know everything at all. Will continue explaining and clearing everything what he knows. The man did not anymore insist or say something but rather decided to go away. The man was not able anymore to explain or discuss to Will. Will was able to uncover the mindset or way of thinking of the man through his logical and intelligent or brilliant approach.

“The Socratic Method is a form of philosophical inquiry in which the questioner explores the implications of others' positions, to stimulate rational thinking and illuminate ideas.” The aim of this dialectical method is making your opponent believes that he knows something about something. It shows that your opponent is very intelligent and has mastery on what he knows about. You ask questions in relation to what your opponent know about. By this, you uncover that something which your opponent thought he already understood or knew everything about that something but actually what he thought and believed is not yet enough and not completely right and precise. You continue asking questions and giving your own arguments in contradiction on your opponent’s idea of something. Socratic Method shows your mastery, techniques and creativity on the way you present your argument and ideas. This is a sort of creative or logical argument or reasoning. For me, this would be the best way and technique to use for us to arrive into a clear and  apodictic ideas and ideas. 

Socratic Method, named after Socrates, is a philosophical inquiry, wherein the questioner asks questions to the interlocutor, and follows it up with more questions after the interlocutor gives his response. It is a good way for the stimulation of rational thinking and illumination of ideas. This dialectic method is used in debating about opposite points, ideas and views. This method can lead the interlocutor to contradict himself and strengthen the inquirer’s own point and view. One of the example of Socratic Method can be seen in the movie Good Will Hunting. It goes this way.

Clark: I was just hoping you might give me some insight to the evolution of the market economy in the southern colonies. My contention is that prior to the Revolutionary War, the economic modalities especially in the southern colonies could most aptly be characterized as agrarian precapitalist. Let me tell you somethin’…

Will: Of course that’s your contention. You’re a first-year grad student. You just got finished readin’ some Marxian historian- Pete Garrison, probably you’re gonna be convinced of that till next month when you get to James Lemon. Then you’re gonna be talkin’ about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740. That’s gonna last until next year. You’re gonna be in here regurgitatin’ Gordon Wood, talking about, you know, the prerevolutionary utopia and the capital-forming effects of military mobilization.

Clark: Well, as a matter of fact, I won’t, because Wood drastically underestimates the impact of…

Will: Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth. You got that from Vickers’ Work in Essex County. Page 98, right? I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us? Do you have any thoughts of your own in this matter? Or is that your thing? You come into a bar. You read some obscure passage. Then pretend- pawn it as your own. As your own idea just to impress some girls? Embarrass my friend? See, the sad thing about a guy like you is, in 50 years, you’re gonna start doin’ some thinkin’ on your own. You’re gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life. One: Don’t do that. And two: You dropped 150 grand on a fuckin’ education you could’ve got for $1.50 in late charges at the public library.

Clark: Yeah, but I will have a degree, and you’ll be servin’ my kids fries at a drive through on our way to a skiing trip.

Will: Maybe, but at least I won’t be unoriginal. If you have a problem with that, we could step outside. We could figure it out.

Clark: No, man, there’s no problem. It’s cool.

Will Hunting was an intelligent man but what’s unique with him was that he doesn’t go to school. For him, it’s a waste of time and money. He just reads books and enjoys reading more of it. For him, the true education/learning is to buy from public libraries and study on his own. He is really smart in any fields or sciences especially in Math. That is why Lambeau wanted him so much. He wanted him to be known in that field but Will was not that interested. Will is really genius but he doesn’t know what he really wants in life. He was not guided well in his life. The good thing for him is that, he had three loyal friends that continue to understand and help him.

The dialogue above in the movie Good Will Hunting is an example of Socratic Method. This might be somehow different from that of Socrates. Socrates would not talk so much about the content in proving what’s wrong with the arguments of his interlocutors. He would just ask questions and lead them to speak of arguments that would contradict to their previous argument proving them wrong. Will, on the other hand, speaks so much about contents and facts and at the same time proving Clark wrong. He speaks frankly to Clark the loopholes of his (Clark’s) arguments. Clark could not interrupt him because of Will’s firm stands about his arguments against him. Will’s way is presenting the other’s loophole and then the other just agrees to him, making the other humiliate himself.

Clark and Will’s discussion started when Clark, in the movie, interrupted Chuck and Skylar’s conversation. He interrupted when he heard the word History. He presented himself to them as if he knows so much of it. He really spoke as if he was an expert in that field. Will interrupted him by talking also about Economics and he continued what Clark will about to say. It made Clark think that he is not that good as Will. Will also presented to Clark that he (Clark) was plagiarizing, claiming that what he said was originally his. Clark cannot do anything but to accept that his knowledge is not enough for him to show up. Clark, because of Will’s shameful arguments accepted that he was not really good. He just did those things for showing up.

In life, there are times that we encounter people that at our first meeting with them, they would present themselves as if they are really expert in their field. Later, we find out that they are only more of words but not of deeds, that what they know is not enough, that what they present their selves are not worthy of them. Sometimes, we can say to our self, “daw si sin-o gid nga SureBol kag Tikalon!” Of course, we humans are not perfect. Our knowledge is limited to the things we only know. We don’t know whatever we haven’t learned or experience. For me, there are two kinds of people that I really hate: first, those who don’t know but pretend to know so much, and second, those who are expert in their field but are really boastful and cannot go down to others level. Socratic Method can be applied to them. If we are just good thinkers and interrogators, we can lead them to contradict their previous arguments that could support our views.

Socratic Method is one of the best ways to interrogate boastful and pretending people.  It’s a good method that can lead our interlocutors to their down fall. If I will be asked who wins between Clark and Will in their discussion, my answer is “None of the two. Clark pretends to know but the truth is he doesn’t and Will knows but he is boastful.” The lesson we can get from their discussion is never pretend that we know so much but actually we do not and never become so proud whenever we can feel that we know so much.

Parminedes a Greek philosopher once said in his philosophy that, “All things are seemingly changing.”         He is trying to prove that all things are just seemingly changing because what is “is”. He believes that things remain as what they are and the only thing that is changing is no other than ourselves- we, human beings as subjects- in the way we perceive things not in the things as they are.

We, human beings are aware that our experiences serve as our gateways to the wider world that surrounds us. They enable us to link with others. They make also us conscious about the presence and the being of things around us so that we can have the true grasp of what we called world. The important thing about our experiences is that, they are lifting us up out from our narrow perspective by showing us new horizon of ideas which is wider. If we are going to put it in our human estate, our maturity can’t only be depicted on our age, but by the number of experiences we have gained and treasured within ourselves. Age increases every year but experience can increase every seconds. Generally, our experience gives us the knowledge of everything around us that somehow gives the view of what really life is and makes us understand who we really are and the world around us.

I would like to use my experience of the world (world outside the seminary) before I entered the seminary and my view of it after having 4 years of formation inside the seminary as my example regarding on what Parminedes’ philosophy. When I was still living my life outside the seminary, the picture of the world for me is: the government is full of corruption, there were an increasing number of abortions, and young people are getting married earlier. This was the picture of the world for me before I entered the seminary. But even until now that I’m already in my 4 years of my formation inside the seminary, the world outside it just the same, there is still corruption in the government, increasing cases of abortion, and many teenagers are getting married earlier. But why is it that there is an unusual feeling within me that triggers my person about the realities of the society right now? It is a feeling that I didn’t have or experience before. Eventhough I witnessed also the same happenings in the society. It is simply because of my experiences inside the seminary, which molded me and taught to become more understanding in every situation happening in the society. My seminary formation taught me about the facts of life and how to handle them so that it won’t be hard for me. My seminary formation helped me to understand that corruption is bad. For it promotes selfishness, greed, stealing and violence. My seminary formation taught me that abortion is a crime. For it kills the unborn in the womb of a mother. My seminary formation taught me that early marriage could only make teenagers to suffer because of the unpreparedness of the teenage couple. The world now outside the seminary is still the same. Having those issues I mentioned, it is still the world I left 4 years from now when I entered the seminary. It is still the same. The only thing that changed was my perspective of it, because of my experience in the way I perceive things now. It is because of our experiences why we see things in different views.

 This is what Prminedes is trying to point out about his idea of “things are just seemingly changing”. That things as themselves don’t change. But it is we, who are subjects of these things are changing for them, not them for us. That’s why in aiming to change the world, we shouldn’t wait for the world to change for us, but we should start it within ourselves, because we are the change.

Early Philosophers do not have a common ground of their philosophy. Each one of them undergoes speculative thinking about the world – how was the world created, what is the basic form that comprises the world, what is life, etc. All of them wonder about the world and the life. But the world and life is full of mystery.

Before entering the seminary, my first thought about the seminary is that seminarians lives life holy, full of prayer. But when I entered already and live life as a seminarian, it seems I was wrong with my idea of the seminary and of the seminarians. People would thought about us as a good and holy seminarians but the truth is that we are just seemingly good and holy seminarians. Even with the priest in the seminary or in the parish, which some of them I do respect at first and some until now I still respect.

Things can deceive us. Our senses can deceive us. What I have seen is just a seeming of what is really the real. As I found out what is being the seminary and being a seminarian, as I found out the priests who are good at first, this things are still the seeming of my life. What is the true real is a mystery. Essentially the seeming theory of Parmenides  with his claim “What is, Is” helps us to discover and explore all the possibilities of the world and life. We should not only stick to what was already given because it can always appear to us seemingly.

Recalling the experiences we had as a human being, we may say that all is just a seeming and there is something beyond which cannot be changed. Heraclitus claim, that all is flux, is just seemingly flux. Because of our lack of understanding about the realities of the world and life, all becomes seeming. But when we fully grasped all about world and life, it will  be the time that we are sure about something, a something which is not anymore a seeming yet remain unchangeable.

There is something beyond our being human that is stable and impossible for changing. This something beyond is what we call the mystery of our life. The mystery in which we will always call a mystery because it is clear for us that it is a mystery.

The world becomes balance and stabilizes because of the claim of Heraclitus “what is, is”. If we go deeper on it only our faith can explain everything about the mystery. The mystery that is not a mystery if we have faith and that is Jesus Christ.  

Chaos reigns-Heraclitus is back. Heraclitus is best known for his sayings: "Everything flows", "You cannot step twice in the same river, for other waters are continually flowing on". This is because the river is constantly changing. There is nothing permanent in this world. Everything and everybody changes: human beings, plants, animals, mountains, rivers, experiences, events, the love and care we shared, decisions we make.Our experiences day by day will always be different. The experiences that I had with you yesterday, today or tomorrow now will never be the same. We all change, no exception. Nobody can escape from this reality. The reason for the difference is because the rest of the world changes.The world shapes us by constantly changing and allowing us to make choices that further change events around us. And, for us to live in a world of constantchange is to be constantly changing.“We are a part of a complex chaotic system which progresses in a linear direction.”

“The only constant is change.” When I read this quote from Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher, I get the distinct feeling that he was looking into a crystal base at my life. It is definitely true, that in life and in the whole world, the only constant is change.Change is inevitable, necessary, and even desirable. Change is a constant in our lives.In our world, change literally happens every day. There will be times that we are in confusion and doubt to what direction we will go. We have to accept the fact that we never know what is going to happen next, we can learn to approach life as the great adventure that it can be.We have to accept that change is not something we always find easy, that is why we have to practice in learning on how to adapt and adjust. Hence, considering that in our lives, the only constant is change, the best we can do is to discover how to face the unexpected circumstances, to learn from the ups and downs that we encounter, and enjoy the mysterious adventure and ride of life.Resisting change will be the cause of so much unnecessary struggle, turmoil, and stagnancy in our experience. Hence, we have to learn to embrace and understand the reality that everything changes. We will change whether we want to or not! We simply cannot and will not remain the same. This is the law of constant change. This is the truth of who we are.

‘The only constant is change.” I have to accept, understand and embrace the reality that everything really changes. My “I” before is different of who I am right now. I am different Marvin Frances “chokie” Reales now. The friendships that I had with my close friends before will never be the same. The beautiful and refreshing view of our place before in San Rafael is totally different compared today. The happiness that our family experienced before is really different compared to the joy that we embrace and experience today. Even my cute and clean face before is so different compared to the face I have now. Even the decisions and choices I make in my life also changes. This reality tells and reminds me that, even my vocation to the priesthood will probably change. There will be a big possibility that my aspiration and dream to become a priest someday will lose and fade. Actually I have sense and notice with regards to my evaluation in my vocation based on my stay and formation here in the seminary almost three years of that there are really times that I am become bored and depressed and there are also times that I really enjoy staying in the seminary and so eager and in a hurry to be a priest. I have realized that, whatever changes that we will encounter and experience in life, we have to learn from it, we have to embrace and understand certain changes, we have to face them. I realize also that if the change and flow in life circumstances will not follow the path that we may want them to follow, the best way to cope with life of constant change is to learn to flow with those change, rather than trying to fight or resist against those changes. I believe that changes in life are opportunities for great personal growth. This rapid change can also bring rapid growth. The growing pains that we may experience from a lot of change can be easier to endure. 

Chaos, Change and Harmony

In cosmology, chaos was the very first state of the universe. Everything started from “disorder.” The universe was created from “chaos” to “cosmos.” In between the two was “change.” If there is chaos and disorder, there is a room for change. Before there will be harmony, chaos occurs first. For things to be in harmony, changes occur due to chaos.

Change is ever present in this world since it first existed. Everything we have in this world in the present are products of change. Change is the reason why the history was recorded. If there are no changes, there is no need of recording the events. If there is no change, no will be no growth and improvement. Change happens anywhere. The cycle is from chaos, change occurs to harmony or from harmony, change occurs to chaos. There is change in between chaos and harmony. All of us are products of change. All that we can see around us are products of change. We are all potential for change. Putting myself in the views of Heraclitus, only change is constant.

The Chaos of my Life

Heraclitus said: “We cannot step on the same river twice.” Yes this is true. Everything in life can change (except the Absolute Laws). Change is really meaningful to me. Why? It is because “to change” was the reason why my parents sent me here in the seminary. They sent me here for me to change. Before, during my elementary years, I was one of the naughty and “pala-away” students in our school.When I was in grade six, I fought many times with some students in St. Paul School (especially the first year high school students). It was just natural for me to be involved in fights. I was really brave that time. I can’t imagine why I was really “pala-away” and brave during my elementary years. There was even a time in my grade sixth, where I put a black mark in the eye of William, a new student who was a first year high school that time. That very event was the very reason why my parents decided to send me here in the seminary. Because of all the crazy things I did, my parents were always called by the principal talking about my misdemeanors in the school. My parents don’t know what to do to me for me to change.They did everything to discipline me, from soft reminders, looking at me to stop and hurting me physically and emotionally. Their last solution for me to become a better person was to send me here in the seminary. They decided for me to study here.Their very goal was for me to grow and become a better and mature person. They believed that the seminary can change my attitude, character and form me as a better person. They also believed that in my being away from them, I will learn to stand on my own feet. For them, the seminary is a reformatory school. They believed that the seminary can change me. They forced me to enter here. I passed both the entrance exam and the search-in. And so, I entered the seminary as a first year high school seminarian. In entering the seminary, a lot of changes happened to me. Starting the time I became a seminarian, I never fought with our helpers in the house. I learned to respect and value them. I also discovered my potentials as a person and developed them. It was only here in the seminary where I became patient to different personalities and where I develop my study habits. Many people, including my family noticed the changes in me. They were greatly amazed. From that time on, my image to other people also changed.

Change and chaos are important in our life. Due to chaos, change is possible. Chaos was even the earliest condition of the universe. If there is no chaos, there is no room for change. Before I entered the seminary, a lot of chaos happened to me. That is why, my parents sent me here in the seminary to change my character and my person. Because the seminary is a formation house and I am also willing to be formed, I changed. I change a lot both in negative and in positive (mostly positive). I can say that I became a better person now. Even until now, I am still experiencing chaos in my life. Chaos is natural in the cycle of life. This chaos that we still experience in the present signifies that we are potential for change. We are all potential for change. Change is necessary for chaos to be in harmony. As long as we live, there will always be chaos. It is necessary in achieving harmony. Chaos will be in harmony through change.